Muscle Phasing

What is Muscle Phasing?

Muscle Phasing is a manual therapy for …

  • Reducing pain

  • Recovering from injury

  • Restoring posture & muscle balance

  • Increasing range-of-motion

  • Improving athletic performance

  • Enhancing lifestyle

Muscle Phasing can help with headaches, neck pain, whiplash, sports injuries, carpal tunnel syndrome, plantar fasciitis, ankle sprains, low back pain, loss of range-of-motion, sciatica, TMJ, frozen shoulder, improved athletic performance, improved posture, restored quality of life.

  • Yes! Anyone who has ever had a rough day on some level can benefit.

    Especially a day overwhelming enough that they remember it later. We call that traumatic. What is trauma? I define trauma as “a situation in which more force is applied to a system that it can easily absorb or dissipate.”

    These can be micro or macro events.

    Micro being small enough to set us back a little, but not enough to remember on a calendar.

    Macro being that you know exactly when it happened because it was life altering!

    Adding new trauma is common. Removing old trauma is rare!

    If we accumulate trauma we degenerate. If we release trauma we regenerate.

  • A posture analysis is used to identify imbalances in muscle structure. Bilateral palpation, range-of-motion and strength tests are then used to isolate the area of greatest concern.

    From there, PNF stretching is used …

    • Release the muscles

    • Increase range-of-motion

    • Break up old patterns of neuromuscular dysfunction.

    With Muscle Phasing, the client is an active participant in stretching and range-of-motion testing.

    The whole process is like “an apology the body accepts”. The body wants to be heard, so we listen first …

    • What muscles are working well?

    • What muscles aren’t?

    • Why are they not happy?

    • What would it take to get it happy and working again?

    • Does it work now that we treated it?

  • After Muscle Phasing, the treated area will typically have less pain, more strength, and increased range-of-motion.

    As the body’s natural healing mechanism is restarted, inflammation and/or soreness of the treated area may be experienced for 1-3 days.

    Light stretching and increased water intake are recommended to minimize these effects.

  • Muscle Phasing interacts with your brain first, and not just your muscles. For every movement you do, your brain does a roll call of all tissues involved …

    • Who is with me?

    • How far can you move?

    • How much weight can you hold?

    These questions are all programmed into your reflexes automatically. Your nervous system might think some tissues can’t hold much load or move very far based on old information.

    When you update or improve your answers to these 3 questions, you become more functional in a lasting way.

    Changing the condition of your tissues takes time. Changing the communication of your tissues can happen very quickly. This is called low hanging fruit.

Feet are both foundational & often overlooked.

One of the reasons that pain is mysterious at times is because we don’t get to the root of the problem, or to the bottom of the issue—your FEET! What would happen to your hip or lower back if I told you that you could only put weight on half of your foot? Let’s say only the inside edge of your left foot. Can you imagine how much tension would have to go up the chain in order to shift enough weight throughout the body to make that happen?

How fatigues would the outside of your leg get from trying to shift that way? Not to mention, how weak would the inside muscles get? But I see this happen on a regular basis. Usually the person is unaware because their pain ifs farther up the chain.

A number of meridians also start at the toes and effect the organs that they support. Getting your feet balanced and fimly on the ground can be life changing.

“The most common reaction I receive from a client is amazement at how quickly they can move without pain … often after the very first treatment!”

-Jon Thompson